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Food safety issues four errors
The author:Kingrate | Release Time: 2017/3/23 9:45:00 |
Food safety issues four errors
Third-party food traceability platform: by the "Shanghai Fuxing expired metamorphic meat incident" and "British chicken pollution incident" impact, food safety problems once again caused an uproar, "What can we eat in the end?" Yesterday, China's famous nutrition and food safety Experts, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chen Junshi guest of the 61st Guangdong Association for Science and Technology Forum, the public on China's food safety problems there are many errors, science and life information asymmetry directly led to consumer food safety problems of misunderstanding and anxiety.
Food safety issues can be eliminated
In recent years, the media exposure of the food safety problems are few, such as "Hebei red duck egg incident" "dyeing buns incident" and so on, but Chen Jun Shi that the real sense of food safety problems in a few. The so-called food safety problem, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, refers to the food in the toxic and harmful substances on human health impact of public health problems. However, according to domestic experts to do the food safety risk assessment shows that each person every day to eat a thousand long-term content of the Sudanese red red duck eggs, will cause health to the body. Although the risk point of view, "red duck egg event" can not constitute food safety problems, but because of the widespread concern of society, led to consumer food safety discussions and concerns.
Chen Jun stone to drink often add trace element lead, for example, to join the national safety standards in line with the amount is acceptable, but more than the standard, even if only one point, the risk is unacceptable, from the management point of view, the beverage is not qualified. "Zero risk does not exist in food safety, but we have zero tolerance for supervision, and we do not allow all unqualified food to exist."
Misunderstanding 2
The use of food additives is equivalent to health hazards
Food additives by most consumers put on a heinous hat, that there are food additives is unhealthy, harmful to the body, some goods are often "pure natural, no added" as a gimmick to attract consumers. Chen Jun stone for food additives name, the elderly asked the food a little soft, young people asked the food to chew, children require food color bright, these different needs are done by food additives.
So "food additives are the soul of modern food processing industry." In fact, no additives, food does not exist, and food additives also have their legitimate legal status.
Misunderstanding 3
China's food safety problems are serious
"China's overall food safety situation is good, the pass rate of 90% or more," Chen Jun said that the past few years, China's food safety situation has made great progress, but consumers are not grateful, more and more worried about food safety. In fact, compared with the Ministry of Health at the beginning of the 21st century, the national food samples of the sampling test, the total pass rate has risen from 50% -60% to 90% or more, and children's growth and development indicators more and more, China's life expectancy More and more long also shows that China's food safety situation is constantly improving.
So why consumers are always lack of information on food safety, the reason, Chen Junshi that this is the consumer of food safety "zero risk" requirements, awareness of rights and government risk communication capacity is closely related. Especially the fear of consumers lack of scientific basis, and the government in the absence of risk communication, authoritative experts do not want to face the media, the asymmetry of these information led to the correct scientific information at a disadvantage, resulting in consumer safety of food over worry.
In fact, since the implementation of the Food Safety Law in 2009, food safety risk monitoring has covered 80% of the country's cities and counties, food safety risk assessment system is also being built, is expected in 2015 can be more than 5,000 standard integration, The only compulsory food safety GB system. Food safety is an unavoidable global problem, not China's "specialty", but consumers of China's food safety problems have such a serious misunderstanding, is China's food safety issues "one of the" characteristics.
Misunderstanding 4
Genetically modified food is unsafe
Based on the perception of risk, the domestic view of transgenic technology can be said to be completely inconsistent. In Chen Junshi seems genetically transgenic from the strict sense does not belong to food safety issues. At present, there is no domestic promotion and promotion of genetically modified crops in any form, in the inability to determine whether it is still harmful or favorable circumstances, genetically modified crops did not achieve commercialization and industrialization, so consumers do not have to worry about genetically modified foods will cause harm to health The He believes that the current genetically modified food is more critical is to strengthen supervision, to avoid its illegal circulation in the market.
Food itself is the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria, heavy metals, natural toxins, lead and mercury and other biological, chemical and physical hazards, and can not be eliminated, in such circumstances, the task of food regulation is not to eliminate harm, But to reduce the risk of food safety, the development of standards to control the risk within the acceptable range of the human body.